Attorney Referrals
Eglet Law does not use traditional personal injury law firm advertisement methods. Over 90% of our cases are referrals from other lawyers, lawyers who trust and respect our work ethic and case results.
Increase Your Firm's Profit With Little Effort

When you refer injury cases to us, you are doing a great service to your clients and to your firm. We value all of our referral relationships and promptly pay referral fees upon the resolution of a case. Lawyers may not realize they are not allowed to accept a referral fee, but the State Bar of Nevada authorizes lawyers to share fees on a case as long as the client approves the fee sharing arrangement in writing. We at Eglet Law always comply with all State Bar rules when entering into fee sharing arrangements.
Success with Eglet Law
Expand Profits Without Expanding Your Costs
- Call Eglet Law to discuss a referral/co-counsel relationship.
- Refer your catastrophic injury cases to Eglet Law. Notify existing and new clients that you can now help them with personal and catastrophic injury cases.
- Add personal and catastrophic injury to all marketing and advertising materials including your website.
- Refer your personal injury clients directly to Eglet Law or bring your client in to meet together at the Eglet Law office.
- Review all your personal injury inquiries with an Eglet Law trial lawyer and enjoy the benefits of working with one of Nevada’s most successful catastrophic injury trial law firms.
Increase your profits with a co-counsel relationship with Eglet Law
Let us help you evaluate your cases when you get a new client. We will make ourselves available to speak with you and your potential client to discuss case liability and damages. We can assist you with setting client expectations, providing a second opinion on their case. We can assist with upcoming mediation and increase the value of your case simply by bringing us into the mediation for a nominal percentage fee. And we take no fee if the case does not settle at mediation and our work on the case ceases. Case set for trial and worried? Schedule permitting, we take cases as late as the Friday before trial, and at any point in the litigation or claims process. We are also here to help you level the playing field against the insurance companies.
Contact Us
There are only benefits when referring large catastrophic injury cases to Eglet Law.
The only risk is not making the referral as your firm spends more resources and money than necessary to take a case.
Increase your revenues with a co-counsel relationship with Eglet Law and do right by the client at the same time.